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Sunday, March 16, 2008


A paint ball gun, also known as a paintball marker, is the most crucial piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Paintball guns use the expansion property of carbon dioxide or compressed gas to thrust paintballs through a barrel with the intent to ‘hit’ other players. It is a great way to have some fun with friends and family. Originally derived from the traditional method of marking trees and straying cattle, the sport has now become a popular game when getting together with friends. It is possible to build your own paintball gun with some basic items that are available at home or in your local stores.
Required Materials

* tire replacement valve
* 1” PVC end cap
* ¾” PVC nipple
* ¾” PVC ball valve
* ¾” PVC reducer
* two 1” PVC tees
Mark the two tees as “A” and “B”. Mark the straight ends of your tees as “Ax”, “Ay”, “Bx”, and “By”. The perpendicular ends of the tees should be marked “Az” and “Bz”.
* two 1” PVC elbows
* a length of 1” PVC (depending upon how long you want your barrel to be - 6 feet will be adequate)
* an equal length of ¾” PVC barrel
* primer
* cement
* a plumber’s tape
* glue

Note: the PVC you use should be pressure tested or it may cause damage due to rupturing.

Required Tools

* plumber’s saw
* nail driller


1. Cutting and Preparing the Raw Material - Cut two identical foot-long pieces from the 1” PVC. Cutting the PVC in equal lengths will make it easier to connect the pieces later on.
2. Insulate the Ends - Cover the threads (if any) of the PVC with plumber’s tape.
3. Assembling the Basic Structure - Take any one of the pieces of foot-long 1” PVC you have just cut. Attach two PVC elbows to it on either end with the help of primer and cement (in that order). Make sure that both of the elbows are pointing in the same direction. Take the other piece of foot-long 1” PVC you have just cut.
4. Attaching the Tee’s - Attach two PVC tees to it on either end with the help of primer and cement (in that order). Fix the end of the tee labeled “Az” to one end of the PVC and the other labeled “Bx” to the other end of the PVC.
5. Cement the Joints Properly - Now connect the two pieces of PCV to each other at both ends with the help of primer and cement so that they form a box-like shape.
6. Assembling the Outer Details - Attach a nipple to the tee at it’s “By” end.
7. Attach the Nipple - Screw the ball valve to the nipple.
8. Attach the Barrel - Screw the barrel to the ball valve.
9. Fix the Tire Valve - Now, drill a hole in the end cap big enough to accommodate the tire valve. Fix the tire valve into the end cap and secure it with the help of glue.
10. Tailor the PVC - Cut a length of 1” PVC about 9” in length.
11. Attach the PVC to the Tee - Take the open end of the tee labeled “Ay” and cement it to the PVC.
12. Fix the Cap - Cement the end cap with the PVC you have attached in Step 11.
13. Final Touché - You are done with the process of making your paintball gun. Let the device dry for about a day or two before using it. Now you are all set to use your paintball gun.

Tips and Warnings

* Please note that such devices can be hazardous if not used properly. It is advisable not to use them on living beings unless everyone is using proper protection.



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