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This is How He Did It...

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Organic Fruit Growing

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

How to Do Everything with JavaScript

This friendly, solutions-oriented guide is filled with step-by-step examples that illustrate how to write basic to advanced JavaScript applications, as well as modify existing scripts to suit individual needs.

How To Choose a Laptop

Buying and using a laptop can be a liberating experience. You will have the ability to take your work wherever you go, take your computer to class, a coffee shop, on a trip - anywhere. You may end up spending a bit more for a laptop than you would ...

Web Hosting

Saturday, March 29, 2008

How to Make Our Ideas Clear (PART 1)

Whoever has looked into a modern treatise on logic of the common sort, will doubtless remember the two distinctions between clear and obscure conceptions, and between distinct and confused conceptions. They have lain in the books now for nigh two centuries, unimproved and unmodified, and are generally reckoned by logicians as among the gems of their doctrine.
A clear idea is defined as one which is so apprehended that it will be recognized wherever it is met with, and so that no other will be mistaken for it. If it fails of this clearness, it is said to be obscure.
This is rather a neat bit of philosophical terminology; yet, since it is clearness that they were defining, I wish the logicians had made their definition a little more plain. Never to fail to recognize an idea, and under no circumstances to mistake another for it, let it come in how recondite a form it may, would indeed imply such prodigious force and clearness of intellect as is seldom met with in this world. On the other hand, merely to have such an acquaintance with the idea as to have become familiar with it, and to have lost all hesitancy in recognizing it in ordinary cases, hardly seems to deserve the name of clearness of apprehension, since after all it only amounts to a subjective feeling of mastery which may be entirely mistaken. I take it, however, that when the logicians speak of "clearness," they mean nothing more than such a familiarity with an idea, since they regard the quality as but a small merit, which needs to be supplemented by another, which they call distinctness.

A distinct idea is defined as one which contains nothing which is not clear. This is technical language; by the contents of an idea logicians understand whatever is contained in its definition. So that an idea is distinctly apprehended, according to them, when we can give a precise definition of it, in abstract terms. Here the professional logicians leave the subject; and I would not have troubled the reader with what they have to say, if it were not such a striking example of how they have been slumbering through ages of intellectual activity, listlessly disregarding the enginery of modern thought, and never dreaming of applying its lessons to the improvement of logic. It is easy to show that the doctrine that familiar use and abstract distinctness make the perfection of apprehension has its only true place in philosophies which have long been extinct; and it is now time to formulate the method of attaining to a more perfect clearness of thought, such as we see and admire in the thinkers of our own time.
When Descartes set about the reconstruction of philosophy, his first step was to (theoretically) permit scepticism and to discard the practice of the schoolmen of looking to authority as the ultimate source of truth. That done, he sought a more natural fountain of true principles, and thought he found it in the human mind; thus passing, in the directest way, from the method of authority to that of apriority, as described in my first paper. Self-consciousness was to furnish us with our fundamental truths, and to decide what was agreeable to reason. But since, evidently, not all ideas are true, he was led to note, as the first condition of infallibility, that they must be clear. The distinction between an idea seeming clear and really being so, never occurred to him. Trusting to introspection, as he did, even for a knowledge of external things, why should he question its testimony in respect to the contents of our own minds? But then, I suppose, seeing men, who seemed to be quite clear and positive, holding opposite opinions upon fundamental principles, he was further led to say that clearness of ideas is not sufficient, but that they need also to be distinct, i.e., to have nothing unclear about them. What he probably meant by this (for he did not explain himself with precision) was, that they must sustain the test of dialectical examination; that they must not only seem clear at the outset, but that discussion must never be able to bring to light points of obscurity connected with them.
Such was the distinction of Descartes, and one sees that it was precisely on the level of his philosophy. It was somewhat developed by Leibnitz. This great and singular genius was as remarkable for what he failed to see as for what he saw. That a piece of mechanism could not do work perpetually without being fed with power in some form, was a thing perfectly apparent to him; yet he did not understand that the machinery of the mind can only transform knowledge, but never originate it, unless it be fed with facts of observation. He thus missed the most essential point of the Cartesian philosophy, which is, that to accept propositions which seem perfectly evident to us is a thing which, whether it be logical or illogical, we cannot help doing. Instead of regarding the matter in this way, he sought to reduce the first principles of science to two classes, those which cannot be denied without self-contradiction, and those which result from the principle of sufficient reason (of which more anon), and was apparently unaware of the great difference between his position and that of Descartes. So he reverted to the old trivialities of logic; and, above all, abstract definitions played a great part in his philosophy. It was quite natural, therefore, that on observing that the method of Descartes labored under the difficulty that we may seem to ourselves to have clear apprehensions of ideas which in truth are very hazy, no better remedy occurred to him than to require an abstract definition of every important term. Accordingly, in adopting the distinction of clear and distinct notions, he described the latter quality as the clear apprehension of everything contained in the definition; and the books have ever since copied his words. There is no danger that his chimerical scheme will ever again be over-valued. Nothing new can ever be learned by analyzing definitions. Nevertheless, our existing beliefs can be set in order by this process, and order is an essential element of intellectual economy, as of every other. It may be acknowledged, therefore, that the books are right in making familiarity with a notion the first step toward clearness of apprehension, and the defining of it the second. But in omitting all mention of any higher perspicuity of thought, they simply mirror a philosophy which was exploded a hundred years ago. That much-admired "ornament of logic" -- the doctrine of clearness and distinctness -- may be pretty enough, but it is high time to relegate to our cabinet of curiosities the antique bijou, and to wear about us something better adapted to modern uses.
The very first lesson that we have a right to demand that logic shall teach us is, how to make our ideas clear; and a most important one it is, depreciated only by minds who stand in need of it. To know what we think, to be masters of our own meaning, will make a solid foundation for great and weighty thought. It is most easily learned by those whose ideas are meagre and restricted; and far happier they than such as wallow helplessly in a rich mud of conceptions. A nation, it is true, may, in the course of generations, overcome the disadvantage of an excessive wealth of language and its natural concomitant, a vast, unfathomable deep of ideas. We may see it in history, slowly perfecting its literary forms, sloughing at length its metaphysics, and, by virtue of the untirable patience which is often a compensation, attaining great excellence in every branch of mental acquirement. The page of history is not yet unrolled that is to tell us whether such a people will or will not in the long run prevail over one whose ideas (like the words of their language) are few, but which possesses a wonderful mastery over those which it has. For an individual, however, there can be no question that a few clear ideas are worth more than many confused ones. A young man would hardly be persuaded to sacrifice the greater part of his thoughts to save the rest; and the muddled head is the least apt to see the necessity of such a sacrifice. Him we can usually only commiserate, as a person with a congenital defect. Time will help him, but intellectual maturity with regard to clearness is apt to come rather late. This seems an unfortunate arrangement of Nature, inasmuch as clearness is of less use to a man settled in life, whose errors have in great measure had their effect, than it would be to one whose path lay before him. It is terrible to see how a single unclear idea, a single formula without meaning, lurking in a young man's head, will sometimes act like an obstruction of inert matter in an artery, hindering the nutrition of the brain, and condemning its victim to pine away in the fullness of his intellectual vigor and in the midst of intellectual plenty. Many a man has cherished for years as his hobby some vague shadow of an idea, too meaningless to be positively false; he has, nevertheless, passionately loved it, has made it his companion by day and by night, and has given to it his strength and his life, leaving all other occupations for its sake, and in short has lived with it and for it, until it has become, as it were, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone; and then he has waked up some bright morning to find it gone, clean vanished away like the beautiful Melusina of the fable, and the essence of his life gone with it. I have myself known such a man; and who can tell how many histories of circle-squarers, metaphysicians, astrologers, and what not, may not be told in the old German story?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How to Make Your Web Site Sing for You

THE idea that if you build it, they will come, might have worked for Kevin Costner in the movie “Field of Dreams,” but it certainly does not hold true for Web sites.

Build a bad-looking small-business site filled with poorly written text, and your potential customers will go away. Build one that is attractive, compelling and clever, but crucial design mistakes will still guarantee that few people will know that the site exists.

Your Web site is like a digital business card, designers say, the first online look at your company that a customer gets. With luck, it will not be the last.

A site must have addictive content, said Vincent Flanders, a Web design consultant in the Seattle area who is the creator of, a site that analyzes why some pages do not work. “People must be willing to crawl through a sewer for it.”

It is not just small operations that make a mishmash of their sites. Large companies can be just as prone to major design mistakes.

One global company states on its home page that “Indigenous and proven career management tools coupled with a comprehensive series of integrated initiatives have been evolved, to ensure that employees continue to sustain a high performance culture, while recruitment and selection is based on necessary competencies.”

That is “just gobbledygook,” Mr. Flanders said. “The words are not understandable by humans.”

According to Jakob Nielsen, a Web site consultant and author of the book “Prioritizing Web Usability,” it is essential that a Web page get a company’s message across quickly, because visitors are a fickle bunch. Most people do not go beyond what is in front of their faces.

Studies by Mr. Nielsen’s company, the Nielsen Norman Group, an Internet design firm in Fremont, Calif., show that only 50 percent of Web visitors scroll down the screen to see what lies below the visible part on their PC monitor.

“Users spend 30 seconds reviewing a home page,” Mr. Nielsen said. “A business must encapsulate what they do in very few words.”

With findings like those, it is no wonder that Web pages must visually hit a visitor right between the eyes. If a site does not answer a user’s questions about a business, then you have scored one for the competition. For example, the first thing customers visiting any restaurant’s Web site want to know is when it is open. But often that information can be found only by digging through multiple pages. As a result, “the site fails,” Mr. Nielsen said.

“It’s all about the basics,” said Baris Cetinok, Microsoft’s director of product management for Office Live, a site that offers free Web hosting and design tools for small businesses.

Visitors must immediately find out “who you are, what you do and how people can reach you,” Mr. Cetinok said.

Besides good grammar, Mr. Nielsen suggests that companies list a physical address, include a photograph of the building and not ask potential clients to fill out a form simply to ask a question. “That immediately communicates danger,” he said.

Making a site look good is complicated by the fact that no two monitors will necessarily present the Web in the same way. Users can set their browser’s default font size to be bigger or smaller, so it is impossible to know exactly how text will appear to any one person.

And how much of a Web site’s home page can actually be seen by users varies, based on the screen’s resolution.

The problems are made worse by designers being in Los Angeles or New York, and not, say, Texas, so “they think everyone has a large monitor and a fast D.S.L. connection,” said Neil Hettinger, co-owner of Lead Pencil Ad Design, a marketing and design company in Manhattan Beach, Calif. He suggests mixing text and graphics on a Web site, with dark type set against a light background for easy reading.

If you are selling a product, use thumbnail photos that can be enlarged when clicked on, Mr. Nielsen said, not a graphic that can be rotated in every direction. Otherwise “you see products at weird angles.”

“The most important rule in Web page design is to eliminate unnecessary design,” Mr. Flanders said. He recommends not adding large, spinning graphics that take a long time to download.

He also advises business owners not to add introductory splash pages that force a viewer to watch a video or animation.

“Splash pages are only needed for pornography, gambling and multinational Web sites that need to direct users to a particular country’s page,” Mr. Flanders said.

Graphics also do nothing to help a site get discovered by search engines like Google or Yahoo. Those sites troll the Internet for key words, as well as the frequency and quality of one site that links to another.

Text embedded in a graphic, like the name of a shop in a photograph, cannot be seen by search engines. And the old practice of embedding key words in white-on-white type will not increase a site’s page ranking; in fact it will do the opposite.

“The first time a word is used on a site, it’s significant,” said Matt Cutts, a Google software engineer. “If that word is used 50 times, there is a diminishing return.”

“If you put hidden tags on your page, you’re a total moron,” Mr. Flanders said. “You will get caught by search engines, or others will turn you in.”

If your business is local, make sure that the entire geographic area you serve is mentioned in text on the site. To increase the number of sites that link to yours, list your business in online trade directories, and mention it on various blogs.

Google offers free Web master tools that automatically analyze a site to determine if it is being optimized by search engines.

In the end, getting a prominent placement in a search engine is the only way to ensure that your site will be seen by those who can increase your business.

How to Create a Search Engine Friendly Website

Over the years of running, I have had numerous webmasters write to me asking why their web pages do not appear in the search engine results page even though they directly search for terms that should yield their page. More often than not, a quick visit to their site reveals that they have created a web page that is not search engine friendly.

This article brings together some of the main points on how you can create a website or blog that is search engine friendly.

1 . Add Text to Your Images, Flash and Videos

The first thing you should note about search engines is that their software can only read text. When I say text, I don't mean text that you embed in an image or text that you place inside a Flash file or those that appear in a video. I mean text like the text you see everywhere on's articles - plain, unadulterated, ordinary text.

While it's true that some search engines have the rudimentary ability to scan a Flash file, you cannot assume that this ability is sophisticated enough to obtain all the information you want them to have. In fact, I suspect that only Google can do this, and even then only to extract straightforward links embedded in the file. And certainly no search engine I know can view an image file or video and determine the text that it contains.

This is not to say that you cannot create a photo-album site, Flash game site or a video site that ranks in the search engine results page. You can still place your pictures, Flash, videos on your site. However, you should write content for each of these non-text elements to describe them.

For example, you should describe each picture in the "alt" text for the image. For those who don't know what I'm saying, images are put into a web page using HTML code like the following:

Picture of a search engine ready website

Notice the "alt" part in the example HTML code above. Here, I described the image as a picture of a search engine ready website. You should of course replace that text with a brief description of what your image really shows. While search engines cannot actually see your picture, they can read your "alt" text and will include that in their index for your web page.

Likewise, for sites with video files or Flash file, you should include additional text on that web page describing your what your video shows or what the Flash file does.

To put it another way, when designing your website, make your website more accessible for blind and other visually impaired visitors and you will also reap the side benefit of making your site more search-engine friendly.

2. Validate Your HTML Code

I have written elsewhere on the importance of validating your web page. By validating, I mean checking to make sure that your HTML code does not have errors. Note that I'm not talking about spelling or grammar errors here. I'm referring to the underlying HTML code that allows the web browser to format your web page according to how you want it to appear. If you use a WYSIWYG web editor like Dreamweaver, Nvu or Mozilla Composer, such code is usually generated behind the scenes by the editor as you type your text.

Whether you write your HTML code by hand or use a WYSIWYG web editor, it is a good idea to always run the final code through HTML and CSS validators. You can find details on how you can do this in my article on HTML validation at

While the search engines don't care whether your HTML code is error-free, they rely on the basic correctness of the code to find out which portions of your web page to index. If your HTML code contains errors, it is possible that only portions of your web page are included in the search engine's database. The errors, while undetectable in a web browser, may lead the search engine software to think that some of the text on your page is part of the HTML formatting information rather than your site's content. As a result, the search engine may ignore that text, and your web page will not be shown in its results page.

3. Create Relevant Title Tags

tag for your page. Note that this is not the title that you see in the body of your web page. Rather, it is the non-visible text in the HTML code that the browser uses to display in the title bar of the browser window. The search engines use that tag as part of its algorithm to determine what your page is about.Many search engines give additional weightage to the text appearing in the HTML

A number of new webmasters don't bother to set the title tag to something meaningful. Instead,
they just put their site name in the title tag of every page on their website. They should, instead, put the site name only in the title tag of their home page, and place a meaningful title on each individual page of their site. For example, on a page that describes a product "Widget XYZ", the title tag should read "Widget XYZ Product Features" or something like that. If you feel that the name of your website is important to have on every title tag, place it at the end of your title for the sub-pages on your site, for example, "Widget XYZ Features - XYZ Company".

4. Use Straight HTML Navigation Links on Your Website

I wrote an article some time back on the importance of a good navigation system for your website and how one website I examined used only JavaScript-generated links to lead to other pages on the site. Since the search engines do not understand JavaScript, they were not able to find the other pages on the website.

While that article only mentioned JavaScript-created links, this problem also applies to websites that rely only on links embedded in Flash files. Google is said to understand such links, but until search engine robot technology improves so that all search engines can easily figure out the links embedded in Flash files or JavaScript code, any website totally reliant on such links is surely at a disadvantage compared to websites that use straightforward HTML links.

Again, this is not a call to throw out the baby with the bathwater. You do not have to ditch all JavaScript code or Flash files from your website. Instead, what you need is to provide a way for search engines (and visitors who do not have JavaScript-enabled or Flash players) to visit all the pages of your site. Put simple HTML links on your web page linking to the other pages in addition to your state-of-the-art gadgets.

You should also add a site map to your website and link to that site map from your main page. That way, search engines and human visitors who don't have JavaScript or Flash facilities can find their way around your site.

5. Eliminate Apparent Content Duplication

If you use a blogging service, blogging software or some other content management system (CMS), you will need to watch out for duplicate content on your website.

By duplicate content, I mean pages on your website that are identical to other pages on your site. If you manually create your website using a web editor, this will probably never happen. However, some of the automated services mentioned earlier create alternate routes to the same article. For example, a content management system or blogging software may duplicate the same article you wrote under two different URLs, such as and Another manifestation of this is when your software adds a session id to the URL. Since every visitor receives a different session ID, he/she will link to your page using a different URL.

The problem with duplicate content on your own site is link dilution. As I mentioned in my article on How to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google, Google and other search engines take into account the number of links pointing to your page to determine how important your web page is. If you have identical content appearing on two different pages on your website, some sites will link to one page while others will link to the alternate page. The result is that neither of those pages will be regarded as very important in the search engine's index since you have effectively halved the links pointing to your article.

Find a way to remove that feature in your software or service of allowing your article to be reached under different URLs. In the case of session IDs, see if you can use cookies instead to track individual users. Solutions like blocking out alternative URLs from search engines using a robots.txt file may seem like a possible solution, but they do not solve the problem of link dilution.

6. Remove Hidden Text

Nowadays, everyone knows that it is counterproductive to use hidden text on your website. By hidden text, I mean text that is included in the main body of your web page but is not actually displayed on the screen when visitors view your page in a browser. In days of old, some unscrupulous webmasters used such text to add keywords to a web page to influence search engine results. Search engines try to deal with that tactic by not showing pages which they think contain hidden text.

As mentioned in another article, More Tips on Google Search Engine Results Placement, I inadvertently discovered that sometimes search engines wrongly penalize sites even if the hidden text was innocuous - for example, text that only showed for people using a particular browser to tell them that they may not be able to access certain features of the website due to deficiencies in the browser. If you have not read that article, you might want to take take a look to avoid facing the same problem.

You should also be aware that if you use a free web host, your site may contain hidden text on its pages without your knowing. In my investigation of some free web hosts for's many free web hosting pages, I discovered that a few of the hosts that place advertisements on your websites include hidden text around the advertisements to influence the type of advertisements shown on your web page. This may lead to your website being penalised by the search engines through no fault of your own.

Unfortunately, you cannot simply look for a free web host that does not impose ads on your website, since such web hosts regularly disappear overnight due to the lack of a viable revenue model to sustain their service. If you can afford it, the best solution is to get a domain name and place your site on a commercial web host.

Creating a search engine friendly website does not necessarily mean that you will get top listing for a particular keyword or keyword phrase. It is however a necessary first step if you want to rank anywhere near the first few pages of the search engine results. A site that is not search engine ready may not even appear in the results for any query. The tips in this article are the pre-requisites for any website aspiring the top positions in Google, Yahoo, and the other engines.

3 ways to protect your laptop on the road

On The Road

The newest laptops are powerful, light, and thin enough to fit easily into the slenderest of carry-on baggage. This makes them a great accessory for flying or any other mode of travel, but also easier to lose or have stolen.

It pays to be extra vigilant at airport security checkpoints where thieves know people can be flustered.

You should also store your laptop in the seat in front of you, instead of in the overhead compartment when you fly.

But even if you're extra careful, it's still possible to lose your laptop. If you spend some time securing your laptop before you go on the road, you could help keep your personal or financial information from falling into the wrong hands.

Here are our top tips to help you secure the information on your laptop.

Step 1

Protect your information If you keep a lot of personal or financial information on your computer, invest in an operating system that includes file protection. Windows Vista and Windows XP Professional have the tools to protect your information through a process called encryption. To learn more, see Encrypt Your Data to Keep It Safe .

Step 2

Protect your laptop with a strong password If you travel with your laptop frequently, you should secure it with a strong password. Check your computer's Help and Support service to learn how to add or change your system password. To find out how to create passwords that are tough for hackers to crack, but easy for you to remember, see Strong passwords: How to create and use them.

Step 3

Back up before you go Always back up your information before you take your laptop on a trip. You can't always avoid the financial loss of your equipment, but you can avoid losing all your information in the process. To learn how to make copies of all of your information using Windows XP, see How to back up manually or by using the Windows XP Backup utility. For Windows Vista, see Windows Vista: Windows Backup. If you use Windows Live OneCare, see Windows Live OneCare Backup and Restore.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sharpen Your 5 Line Ad Skills

You've heard it before, don't write your classified ads to sell your products. Write them to draw your potential customers in for a closer look.

Fine, but how? What elements need to be included in the limited space of a classified ad to get a response?

Let's assume we are working with a typical 5 line ad, and breakdown what you need to accomplish with each of those 5 lines.


This is the crucial one. If you fail here it doesn't matter what else your ad contains. The headline's SOLE purpose is to draw the attention of your target market. Not everyone's attention, just those who will be interested in your product.

Now what's the best way to get someone's attention? Call their name. So, first ask yourself, WHO is your target market? Title them, name them something to which they will answer. That's the first part of your headline, your target market's name.

The second part of your headline informs your target market what you are going to do for them. What is the main benefit of your product? What problem does it solve?


You now have your target market's attention. Now identify with them a little. Show that you can associate with them or feel what they feel. Think of the solution or benefit you want to provide. Show them you understand why that solution or benefit would be desirable.


You grabbed their attention, associated with their problem or desire. Now, revert back to the second part of your headline. Repeat it only expand on it just a little. You're not just identifying with them here, you're hinting at HOW you can offer a solution or benefit. Don't try to fully explain everything your product can do, just hint at some possibilities. Pique their interest, nothing more.


It's time to make your request, for them to click on your link, and put it in an immediate sense. Don't beg for a response, tell them what to do. Give a reason why they need to investigate your product further, and why they need to do it now. Then tell them to do so.


Double check that your link is right. All your advertising goes to nothing if your link is faulty. The best way to do this is actually copy the link after you've typed it, paste it in your browser, and see if it works.

Don't forget to use active words in your ads. Format each line to stand on it's own. Avoid long sentences, overuse of capitals, and misspelled words. Try to be concise, yet intriguing. The action you are seeking is simply to get your prospect to click a link looking for more information.

Keep that single goal in mind as you work through each line and in the end, that's the action you'll put across to your reader, and the result you'll get.

The Ten Commandments Of Managing Stress : by Stacy Brice

You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you
have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, not doubt
the universe is unfolding as it should. -- Max Ehrmann

The Ten Commandments Of Managing Stress

-=- Thou Shalt Manage Thyself -=-

Most people talk about managing time in order to have more of what life has
to offer, but it's only in managing ourselves that we really see a
difference in our lives and are able to handle any stress life throws at us.

Manage yourself and other things will fall into place.

-=- Thou Shalt Control Thy Environment By Controlling Who And What Is Surrounding You -=-

Life is like a teacup. There's only so much "stuff" that will fit into it.
If you fill your cup with the wrong things and the wrong people, you won't
have time for the right things and right people.

The wrong things and people bring stress. The right people and things bring
joy and contentment.

Choose who and what gets your time and attention.

-=- Thou Shalt Love Thyself -=-

Acknowledge yourself for the good you do! Be gentle with yourself when
things don't go as you might have wanted them to. There are just some
things that you
can't control -- no matter how much you want to.

Love yourself for who you are right now -- at this very moment.

-=- Thou Shalt Reward Thyself -=-

Leisure activities are otherwise known as recreational activities. When you
do things that bring you joy, you are re-creating your spirit. Nurturing
your spirit is a great way to help you reduce stress.

Take time to do things that reward you, every day.

-=- Thou Shalt Exercise Thy Body -=-

Health and vitality depend on your body's ability to use oxygen and food
effectively. One of the ways to help that happen is through exercise.

Exercise also releases endorphins, which have been shown to improve one's
mood, making it a great way to deal with stress!

Move your body every day!

-=- Thou Shalt Relax Thyself -=-

What do you do to really relax? Do you even take the time, or know how to?

Meditation, listening to soothing music, spending time with friends and
people you love, conscious breathing... these are all ways to really relax.

If your mind is pulled to the things that stress you, you aren't really

Take time to be absolutely quiet every day.

-=- Thou Shalt Rest Thyself -=-

It's important to take breaks. Employers give you several during the day.
Take them. If you work for yourself, it's critical to your success that
you take time to rest -- away from your office/desk -- takes naps if you're
feeling nappish!

It's also important to get sufficient sleep. Most people need at least
seven hours each night. Good sleep habits include having a set bed time
and a set waking time. Did you know that if you don't get the amount of
sleep you need, you can be off (in your ability to think, respond and
judge) by as much as 50% the next day? Following a pattern and
establishing a rhythm for yourself and your body help you be more relaxed
and less stressed during the day.

Go to bed! Don't apologize for wanting to "turn in" early!

-=- Thou Shalt be Aware of Thyself -=-

Pay attention to your body. It gives you clues as to what it needs, and
when something is wrong with it. Also, know what makes you feel great, and
what makes you feel lousy. Being able to recognize them will help you make
great decisions for yourself.

Also, listen to your intuition. Your wise self never gives you the wrong
answers. Your head, on the other hand, will almost always try to talk you
out of it.

Wake up and pay attention. You learn all sorts of things this way!

-=- Thou Shalt Feed Thyself And Thou Shalt Not Poison Thy Body -=-

Our minds have really been polluted with ideas of what a "healthy" diet
looks like, and what "proper" nutrition is. Learn about what things like
"low fat" prepared foods, sugar, fat, caffeine and tap water are really
doing to your body. Improper nutrition causes stress in the body. It's not
hard to get the right information and make great choices for yourself.

Eat good stuff!! Your body will thank you!

-=- Enjoy Thyself -=-

We've all seen stories of people who are diagnosed with some horrible
disease and given six months to live who have, in those last months, really
developed a love of life -- a desire to enjoy it all.

Well, forget about the person with only six months.... what about you? You
probably only have 80 or so years... shouldn't each moment of your life be
utterly succulent too?

There's only so much time in this life. Every moment of it is precious.
Make it all count.

When you do, you'll find you have less stress, fewer physical problems, and
that you're more productive. Look for the good/sweet/fun/joyous in every
even when life seems less than fair.

You deserve the very best life has to offer, and life deserves the very
best you have to give!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to Build a Garage

Required Materials

* plywood
* windows
* doors
* lumber
* cement
* walls
* nails

Required Tools

* level
* hammer


1. Getting Your Materials Together – Before you begin, you need to collect all the materials you require for construction. You also need to find a suitable location and decide on the orientation of your garage. These decisions are important, as they will determine the final look of your building.
2. A Firm Foundation - The next step is to lay the foundation. Mix the concrete and pour it out into the wooden form that has already been prepared. Always ensure that it forms a perfect square. For best results, use sill plates.
3. Measurements – Next, lay out the wall. The required distance between supporting studs is normally determined by the local residential zoning board. They can give you valuable input to help you in construction. The studs are usually either 16” or 24” apart.

4. The Wall - The walls should be positioned correctly before securing them with nails. Use a level to make sure everything is straight. You might need an additional pair of hands to help you out.
5. The Roof - After the walls have been set up, you can go ahead with the roofing. Pre-built trusses are commonly used. They are widely available at manufacturers and hardware stores.
6. Sheathing - Sheathing is essential for completing the construction process. Wafer-board and particle board are usually used for this process due to their low cost and ease of application. Plywood can also be used.
7. Windows – Windows should be installed to allow for good airflow. Ensure that the windows are sized appropriately and free of damage.
8. Siding - While working with siding, make sure to use nails that do not rust. Ensure that the ends of the rafters are straight before attaching firmly.
9. The Finishing Touches - Finish the construction by applying asphalt shingles and roofing felt, making sure that the sheathing is dry and clean.

Tips and Warnings

* Always get advice and help from a qualified contractor to ensure you get the right guidance at the right time.

Friday, March 21, 2008

How to get maximun performance PC

A computer is more fun to use when it rarely hits a high speed bump or crashes into a guard rail. When spending more money on a PC, either new or old, is not an option, a more practical approach is necessary to achieve that increase in speed. Here are some tips.

Use Windows Defender to see start-up programs. You can run Windows Defender to stop unneeded programs that consumes resources too much.

In the Search Field at your Start Menu, type “Defender”, select the program in the Menu and then go for Tools and Software Explorer. In the Category pop-up, select Currently Running and select any program you want to close. Then click End Process to close it.

Change your search indexing options. By default, Windows Vista indexes files constantly to make file searches faster but this can be a waste of resources if you have a limited space of RAM or slow processor. Disabling this feature could give you a quick speed boost.
Right click on the Start Button and select properties. Find the System Administrative Tools and select Don’t Search for Files, and then click OK. Occasionally, it is also recommended to run Indexing; otherwise your searches will take longer.

Simplify your settings. Changing the Appearance Setting could also give you the dramatic boost you want, but it also means losing one of the best features of Windows Vista, the Glassy Aero Look.
Right Click on the desktop and select Personalize. Click Windows Color and Appearance and click the Open Classic option. Select Windows Vista Basic and choose Apply. Tip: You can enable Aero when you don’t need the maximum speed and turn it off just when you need it.

Reduce your desktop resolution. This is also good to consider because Windows Vista won’t use as many pixels for the desktop and for your programs. The problem with this is that there will be fewer options for color palettes. Videos and photos will not also be crisp.
To reduce resolution, right click on the desktop and select Personalize, and then select Display Settings. Drag the slider to the left for lower resolution and click OK. A confirmation will prompt for this setting.

Changes in performance setting. The single most effective twist involves changing the performance settings. Go to Start, Control Panel, double-click the system icon and select the Advanced System Settings link on the left side. Click Continue. Under the Advanced Tab, in the Performance Section, click Settings. Choose the option Adjust for the Best Performance, and lastly click OK.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to double your internet' s speed

You can have a very fast internet in a minute and enjoy it.


Things You’ll Need:

  • Just internet

Step 1:
First you need to go to .

Step 2:
Then in the search bar search for modem booster.

Step 3:
Then download this program OSS Internet Speed Booster 3.0.

Step 4:
After your done with downloading , install the program.

Step 5:
After that run the program and click on start buttom to start the high-speed.

Step 6:
if you had any question feel free to ask me thank you for reading my article.

How to Use Skype VoIP

With Skype, you can make calls through the Internet using its customized software. For this, you need to first register your name. Make sure you download and install the software and choose a screen name before using Skype.Instructions

Step 1:
Run and launch the Skype software. Log in to the system by entering your Skype username and password.

Step 2:
Manage your Skype contact list. Make sure you have added and updated your contact list before beginning. The ‘Contacts’ tab allows you to view the added numbers along with the names. Online contacts will appear on top of list with a green icon. To add a contact at any time, simply click on ‘Add Contact’ and enter the username ID of the person you wish to add.

Step 3:
Update your status. At the bottom of the screen, you can select ‘Do not disturb’ if you do not want to receive any messages while online.

Step 4:
Explore the ‘History’ tab. All your previous conversations are recorded here. Double click on any event to resume or rejoin the activity.

Step 5:
To make a call, simply click on the name in the contact list and press the green phone icon button located at the bottom. You will see a ‘Ringing’ status on the screen until the person answers or picks up the call. On receiving the response, the connection is established; you will see the ‘call duration’ along with time elapsed on the screen.

Step 6:
Learn how to use advanced options while making or receiving calls. During a call, you can right-click on your contact’s icon to browse the options. Click ‘Mute’ to make quiet your side of the call, or click ‘Hold’ for taking another call. Click on ‘Send File’ to share a document or photo. To end the call, simply click the big red button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 7:
Explore the SkypeOut usage. It allows you to make calls on other phone numbers. Click on the ‘dial’ tab on top of the screen. Type in the number you want to call and make sure you enter the international code, even if both you and the person you're calling are residing in the same country. Press the green button for making the call. To add this number to your contact list, simply right click and choose ‘add to the contact’. Press the red button when the call is over.

Step 8:
Learn how to make conference calls. Click on the ‘Conference call’ button located at the top of the screen. It will open a new window. Start by typing in a topic for the call. Invite others in your contact list by selecting and clicking the 'Add' button. Use the ‘Ctrl’ key to select up to 4 contacts at the same time. Then click on the ‘Start’ button to call and connect with each participant. This will take a few moments until everyone joins the conference call. To end the conference call, click the big red button at the bottom. On confirmation, click ‘yes’.

Step 9:
Activate your Voicemail. To do this, select ‘Voicemail’ from the ‘Tools’ menu. In the new window, if you want your unanswered calls to go through to voicemail, select ‘Send unanswered calls to Skype Voicemail’. To change your message, click the record button marked with a red circle in the middle. Wait for the beep and record your message using the microphone. Click the record button again to stop recording. You will be able to view the new voicemail message by pressing the green button.

Step 10:
Explore the ‘Privacy and Notifications’ features. You can choose to monitor chats using the ‘privacy’ tab. In case you want to receive calls from people you know, check the ‘only people from my contacts’ option for calls. Skype allows you to save the text of your chats. To clear the chat history, click the ‘Clear History’ button. If you don’t want your chats to be saved, select the ‘no history’ option.

Step 11:
Explore the video calling options of Skype. You need Skype Version 2.0 or higher to enable video calling. Make sure your Web camera is installed on the computer. Use the USB connector cable to plug in your Web camera into the computer’s USB port.

Step 12:
Understand free and paid features on your Skype service. Group chats, conference calls, calls to other Skype members along with video chats are provided free. You can call other numbers and mobile phone users at nominal rates. Review the complete list on pricing on the Skype Web site.

Step 13:
To exit Skype, click Sign Out.

Monday, March 17, 2008

How to How to Create an SSH Tunnel With Putty

SSH tunnels are encrypted pathways that allow users to bypass firewalls that prohibit certain Internet traffic. This guide will help you create an SSH tunnel with Putty, a free software client. In this example we will be connecting to the computer at (port 80) through the server at (port 22), using the local port of 8088.

Step 1:
Launch Putty by double-clicking the Putty icon or opening it through the Start menu.

Step 2:
Click "Session." Here you will enter the details of the forwarding server you are connecting to.

Step 3:
Enter the address of the server that is running SSH in the Host Name field and the port number in the Port field. In our example, the address is and the port is 22.

Step 4:
Select "SSH." Click "Connection" in the left pane, then "SSH," then "Tunnels." Here you will enter the information regarding the computer you are ultimately connecting to.

Step 5:
Enter the port number you wish to use as the local port into the Source Port field. This is the port that you will connect to using the program you wish to tunnel with, and cannot be in use by any other application. In our example this port is 8088.

Step 6:
Enter the address of the computer you wish to ultimately connect to followed by a colon and the port number into the Destination text field. In our example, this is

Step 7:
Select "Local," then click "Add."

Step 8:
Click "Open" to begin your SSH session. You will be prompted for your username and password.

Tips & Warnings

  • You can save your settings in the Session section of Putty so that you can do this all over again without re-entering all the information.
  • There are many applications for SSH tunnelling, including accessing a remote Web server through a firewall and securely downloading your email through an insecure network.
  • Make sure you have all your ports sorted out for all the servers involved or this process won’t work.
  • Don’t use a port that is in use by any other application for your Source Port. Commonly used ports are 21, 25, 80 and 110. Consult a more comprehensive list of standard ports if you experience problems.

How to Remove Spyware

The best way to rid yourself of spyware on your computer is to prevent it from being downloaded. Unfortunately, this does not always work. Spyware is software that takes information about you and your computer usage and reports that to a third party for advertising or other purposes. You need to remove spyware because it intrudes on your privacy and has the potential to negatively affect your computer's performance. Follow these steps to find out how.


Step 1:
Download and install spyware detection and removal software. A few examples of free anti-spyware software are Spybot Search and Destroy, HijackThis and Windows Defender. You should be able to search for these and find safe downloads.

Step 2:
Back-up your personal data. When you start trying to eliminate spyware, you can lose important data in the process by accident or misdiagnoses. Be sure that anything that you have to have is safely backed up somewhere other than your infected hard drive.

Step 3:
Disconnect from the Internet and reboot your computer in Safe Mode.

Step 4:
Scan your computer using the anti-spyware software. Remove any infected programs or files either via the anti-spyware software or by uninstalling the program with the uninstall programs utility on your computer.

Step 5:
Reboot and check and see if this fixed the problem. Most of the time, using the anti-spyware software will eliminate the problem and you can continue on. If it is still a problem you may have to resort to more drastic measures.

Step 6:
Format your hard drive and reinstall your operating system. This is an absolutely worst case scenario. Refrain from formatting until you have tried all other means several times and sought professional help. Back up all information that you need to keep and be prepared for a lengthy reinstall process.

Tips & Warnings

  • The best way to not have to deal with removing spyware is to take precautionary action. Downloading anti-spyware software and setting it up to scan automatically on a daily or weekly basis can save you a lot of trouble.
  • Deleting files can result in your computer not functioning properly. It is wise to check to see if a file is actually spyware or if it is misdiagnosed. Seek the advice of others either in online forums or from professional computer technicians.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to Build a Bar

Constructing a bar is an easy task. The key to success is keeping a few simple tips and measurements in mind. Whether attached to a wall or free standing, a bar will be the perfect centerpiece for parties and social gatherings.
Required Materials

* 2”x4” pine boards to accommodate the size of the bar you would like to build. Consider corner legs, studs and top framing designed for load.
* drywall
* facing board
* nails – cut & finish
* 1.5” screws
* counter top – any material of choice
* plumbing materials if accessories are intended
* wainscoting to taste
* stain finish

Required Tools

* hammer
* tape measure
* pencil
* paper
* skill saw
* drill with various bits to cut cable holes, screw holes, drilling/recessing


1. Measurements – You want to make sure to get the measurements right. This is particularly true if you are dealing with a small space. You should lay out your bar so there is enough room for someone to walk behind, plus half their width again. The height should be within one inch of 44”. The distance from the floor to the bar top should not exceed 45”. Allow a box width wide enough to support your top. Remember to allow for a one foot overhang on the patron’s side and an 11” overhang on the bartender’s side. In addition to the size of your box, consider the area behind the bartender for ease of movement.
2. Box Building - In this step you are building a box to support the bar top and other accessories to the bar. Allow for the top of the bar to reach 45”. If your plan includes sink or cooler areas, now is the time to include them on your floor layout. Each horizontal corner of your box should have triangular 45-degree blocks drilled for screws. Install these blocks in horizontal corner places after tack nailing a rectangular box into shape. These corner pieces will help stiffen the box. If you are constructing a longer bar, studs and joists should be placed at even intervals to accept a face coating.
3. Dressing Out The Box - At this stage you will want to add support members to accept shelving, sinks and coolers. You can use 2”x4” stock, but thinner, cheaper stock may be the way to go. As you look at the dressed-out box, consider where the holes will go for faucets, drain lines and electrical cords. You should already have this information floating around in your head. Now is the time to commit to placing the holes for the selected amenities.
4. Top Placement - If you are using wood, pick your type and cut to shape and size. Stain to taste. If you are using a stone top, call for a box inspection by the manufacturer (this is so the box frame can be deemed fit for the weight of the stone top).

How To Backup database in different version of MySQL

Move and backup database in a new host with different version of MySQL

When I run the backed up sql file with phpmyadmin in the new database on the new web host, I get the following error:

-- Table structure for table `ropix`
CREATE TABLE `ropix` (
`id` tinyint( 10 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`mask` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`type` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`status` tinyint( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )

MySQL said:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1' at line 25

I guess it is a problem with different mysql versions on the two hosts?
moving from MySQL 4.0.1 to 4.1.1

The "ENGINE = MyISAM" needs to be change to "TYPE=MyISAM", and most of the charset info can be discarded.

Compare the structure/syntax of the backup to the database.mysql that comes with the base database install, and look for areas where the syntax differs.

I usually clean my db backups using a text editor wordpad (notepad running slowly to open big file sql). And, if a db fails to restore cleanly, just drop any tables that were created, re-edit the .sql file, and try again.


A paint ball gun, also known as a paintball marker, is the most crucial piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Paintball guns use the expansion property of carbon dioxide or compressed gas to thrust paintballs through a barrel with the intent to ‘hit’ other players. It is a great way to have some fun with friends and family. Originally derived from the traditional method of marking trees and straying cattle, the sport has now become a popular game when getting together with friends. It is possible to build your own paintball gun with some basic items that are available at home or in your local stores.
Required Materials

* tire replacement valve
* 1” PVC end cap
* ¾” PVC nipple
* ¾” PVC ball valve
* ¾” PVC reducer
* two 1” PVC tees
Mark the two tees as “A” and “B”. Mark the straight ends of your tees as “Ax”, “Ay”, “Bx”, and “By”. The perpendicular ends of the tees should be marked “Az” and “Bz”.
* two 1” PVC elbows
* a length of 1” PVC (depending upon how long you want your barrel to be - 6 feet will be adequate)
* an equal length of ¾” PVC barrel
* primer
* cement
* a plumber’s tape
* glue

Note: the PVC you use should be pressure tested or it may cause damage due to rupturing.

Required Tools

* plumber’s saw
* nail driller


1. Cutting and Preparing the Raw Material - Cut two identical foot-long pieces from the 1” PVC. Cutting the PVC in equal lengths will make it easier to connect the pieces later on.
2. Insulate the Ends - Cover the threads (if any) of the PVC with plumber’s tape.
3. Assembling the Basic Structure - Take any one of the pieces of foot-long 1” PVC you have just cut. Attach two PVC elbows to it on either end with the help of primer and cement (in that order). Make sure that both of the elbows are pointing in the same direction. Take the other piece of foot-long 1” PVC you have just cut.
4. Attaching the Tee’s - Attach two PVC tees to it on either end with the help of primer and cement (in that order). Fix the end of the tee labeled “Az” to one end of the PVC and the other labeled “Bx” to the other end of the PVC.
5. Cement the Joints Properly - Now connect the two pieces of PCV to each other at both ends with the help of primer and cement so that they form a box-like shape.
6. Assembling the Outer Details - Attach a nipple to the tee at it’s “By” end.
7. Attach the Nipple - Screw the ball valve to the nipple.
8. Attach the Barrel - Screw the barrel to the ball valve.
9. Fix the Tire Valve - Now, drill a hole in the end cap big enough to accommodate the tire valve. Fix the tire valve into the end cap and secure it with the help of glue.
10. Tailor the PVC - Cut a length of 1” PVC about 9” in length.
11. Attach the PVC to the Tee - Take the open end of the tee labeled “Ay” and cement it to the PVC.
12. Fix the Cap - Cement the end cap with the PVC you have attached in Step 11.
13. Final Touché - You are done with the process of making your paintball gun. Let the device dry for about a day or two before using it. Now you are all set to use your paintball gun.

Tips and Warnings

* Please note that such devices can be hazardous if not used properly. It is advisable not to use them on living beings unless everyone is using proper protection.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reduce Your PC's Power and Operating Costs

A few simple tweaks to the BIOS and to Windows' power settings can cut your PC power bill by more than half.

As energy costs rise, PC power conservation can trim $100 or more from your total electric bill each year. That's enough for a nice dinner with your spouse--or if you're not the romantic type, it can get you a few months closer to purchasing a new, faster (and more energy-efficient) system.

Depending on their age and design, a desktop computer and monitor consume from under 150 watts to greater than 800 watts when in use, and from fewer than 50 watts to more than 400 watts while turned on but idle. For this article I used a watt meter to measure the power consumed at the outlet by a 3.4-GHz Pentium 4 system with 1GB of RAM, an 8X AGP video card, two internal hard drives, an optical drive, and a 19-inch LCD monitor. This is not a high-end machine by any means; I selected it because it demonstrates how a few simple tricks can help reduce the amount of electricity an average system uses by more than 50 percent. This relatively modest PC varied from a minimum of 195 watts while idling at the Windows desktop, with no applications running, to 305 watts with the processor and graphics under 100 percent load; its average power rate was 250 watts.

Such figures may not seem substantial when you consider that dual- and quad-core processors consume 130 watts or more each at full load (however, new CPUs manage power more efficiently when they're not running under full load, so they may consume less power than older, slower processors). Also, high-end graphics cards use nearly 200 watts each. Still, if you were to allow this system to operate continuously, it would easily run up more than $200 in energy costs over the course of a year. Fortunately, you can apply changes to several configuration settings to bring the power consumption and operating costs of any system down significantly

Friday, March 14, 2008

How to Setup an Email Address in cPanel

If you own a website on the internet today, your control panel is most likely cPanel, as it has been recorded as the most common web hosting control panel used by hosting companies in today’s society. Now that you have your new web hosting package setup and are in your cPanel control panel, how exactly do you add an email address?


  1. Inside your control panel, click the E-Mail Accounts icon located on the far left of the second row.
  2. Next, click the “Add a New Email Account”
    • E-Mail: Enter the name of the email account you wish to create. This will be the user name - i.e. Select the domain you wish to use for the email account in the drop down menu.
    • Password: Enter the password you wish to use for your new email account.
    • Mailbox Quota: This is the amount of space you want to assign to this specific email account. Disk space is allocated in Megabytes.
  3. Now, click the “Create” button.
  4. Finally, you will see the following confirmation to notify you that your account was successfully created: “The email account email_account with the login username+domain and the password password with a quota of megabytes was successfully created.”
  5. After this is complete, click the Go Back button. You should see your new email account in the four column “Current Accounts” table, listed under the “Account” column. The “Current Accounts” table provides this information:
    • Account: The email accounts and email addresses you have created
    • Access Webmail: You may click this button to open your webmail client and check your email
    • Usage: The amount of disk space (quota) you have used as well as how much is allocated for that account.
    • Functions: Options for managing your email accounts. For example:
      • Delete
      • Change Quota
      • Change Password
      • Configure Mail Client

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How To Strengthen Your Faith in Allah

"Imaan" Is the Fuel That Keeps Us Going Towards Our Creator Without Deflections

All of us, being human, experience fluctuations in our level of faith -- denoted by the Arabic word "imaan" -- during the course of our day-to-day lives. It is perfectly normal to experience this. For Muslims, what is faith or "imaan"? It is the belief that resides in our hearts regarding Allah, His revealed Divine books (Quran, Bible, Torah, Abraham's scriptures), His Prophets, His angels, His Divine Decree (or what is more commonly knows as "fate"), and the Last Hour or Last Day (when all humans will be resurrected for account-taking of their actions).

There are times when certain events in our lives make us doubt the existence or omnipotence of any of the above epicenters of belief. For example, someone might challenge our knowledge, especially if it is lacking, about why bad things happen to good people if God really exists; why criminals roam scot-free in this world after committing heinous injustices; why some people die of starvation while others have so much wealth that they can live 20 lifetimes on it, etc. At other times, questions about the Unseen (known in Arabic as "ghaib") pop up in our minds, and when we do not find answers, we follow our doubts and slowly move away from firm conviction of imaan to dwindling, half-hearted faith. That is the code red.

Before a Muslim moves towards the danger zone, in which the level of their imaan becomes so low that they start committing major sins, they should follow the steps below to restore their faith to higher levels:

  1. Gain knowledge of the Quran consistently: Just like you cannot know someone until you communicate with them, you cannot be close to Allah without reading and understanding His spoken word, the Quran. It is His message to all mankind, Muslim and non-Muslim. It is normal to have questions, and the Quran has all the answers. Therefore, it is not enough to read and understand this book once or twice, but it must be studied consistently throughout our lives. Maybe a few times a week, it can be recited, read, and studied/discussed with a group of Muslims. The Quran should never be put away to gather dust. The greater a Muslim's knowledge of the Quran, the closer he is to Allah. A point to note is that the Quran cannot be completely understood solitarily. There are some passages that are deep in meaning, and have to be understood in the context of revelation, backdrop, historical perspective, narrations of the Prophet Muhammad [Allah's peace and blessings be upon him] and other Quranic passages. That is why studying the Quran from a scholar is so important, although reading it alone is also prescribed for a boost of imaan.
  2. Recite the Quran: How is this different from point number 1 above? Reciting the Quran is an act of worship. It requires wudu or ablution (bodily purity), knowledge of the Arabic language, and command of how to pronounce each letter. In other words, anyone can read the translation of the Quran, but only a person who has knowledge of Arabic Tajweed (art of Arabic recitation in a melodious voice) can recite it. The relationship between Quranic recitation and imaan is that, since the Quran is the spoken word of our Creator, when any person recites it as it should be recited, he pleases his Creator and becomes closer to Him. It creates an immediate bond. That refreshing worship rejuvenates the human soul, which needs to listen to some beautifully spoken, meaningful words in order to lift it out of gloom (that is why people listen to music and poetry). This need is more than fulfilled by regular Quranic recitation. It is BEST if the person recites himself; if he cannot, listening to a good Qari (an expert in Quran recitation) is also extremely beneficial. After one such session, the person feels uplifted, calm, serene and revitalized to face the challenges of life. The more one understands the Arabic of the Quran, the more its recitation leaves him or her feeling close to Allah. It is, therefore, a must for every Muslim to improve their tajweed skills and understanding of Arabic in order to engage in better communion with their Creator.
  3. Find company of righteous people: Sure, the hijab-observing ladies and the men with flowing beards might be labeled fundamentalists or extremists by some spheres. But in all reality, they are the ones who remind others most of Allah, and it is highly likely that Allah is pleased with them. If you want to remove the doubts in your mind regarding Allah, increase the level of your faith, and lessen the constricted distress in your soul regarding the truth about the life of this world (why we are here, what will happen after we die, etc.), you should try hanging out with these "fundamentalists" once in a while. If they really are Allah's favorites, they will probably welcome any questions you have with open arms. They will never scoff at your beliefs, jeer at the way you dress, or judge you for your actions. Try to be in the company of such people often, talk to them, befriend them, and respect them.
  4. Engage in remembrance of Allah: There are some non-Quranic Arabic terms that, when recited, soothe the soul and relieve a person from the effects of his avowed enemy, the Shaitaan (Satan). Uttering these adhkaar - remembrances - from the tongue has been prescribed by Prophet Muhammad [Allah's peace and blessings upon him] himself. Anyone can recite these remembrances in order to get an immediate boost of faith. Most of them should be uttered a hundred times each, for best results. It only takes a few seconds or minutes:
    1. Laa ilaaha illallaah (there is no god except Allah).
    2. Laa hawla wa laa quwata illaa billaah (there is no force that benefits and no strength that causes loss except Allah).
    3. Astaghfirullaah (I seek forgiveness from Allah).
    4. Allaahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad (O Allah, send peace upon Muhammad).
  5. Persist in obligatory acts of worship and abstain from sins: Imaan is affected by our actions. For example, if we abandon even one obligatory salaah, we will immediately feel a dip in imaan. It is a must for Muslims to never relinquish those acts of worship that are obligatory, if they want their faith to remain intact. Similarly, abstaining from deeds which Allah has forbidden is also a means of maintaining or increasing imaan. When someone deliberately sins and does not repent, his heart experiences distress and constriction as Allah's anger is directed towards him. That is why repentance is a daily requirement for all believers. It washes away those sins that they commit knowingly and even those they commit unintentionally. Consequently, Allah is never displeased with them for long.
  6. Perform supererogatory good deeds and invoke Allah in Du'a: There's nothing better than communicating with your Lord directly in order to get His attention, so that you feel close to Him again. Just as you lose touch with a good friend, and start to slowly forget about her as time passes, when you suddenly decide to call her up on a whim -- and, after an hour of talking, you feel as if you never lost touch with her. You feel the same old love for her and chastise yourself for allowing the relationship to wither like that.

    The same emotional dynamics apply to your relationship with your Creator. Communicating with Him is the best way to revive imaan. You can invoke Him in du'a -- supplication or prayer -- at any time, while doing any other task. Just talk to Him in a hushed voice, profess your love for Him, and ask Him to help you. He listens to and responds to calls, as long as they are sincere. Also, in order to increase your imaan, you can perform two units of salaah, give some money in charity, or help someone in need by word or deed. These actions are a means of getting Allah to be attentive towards you and to be pleased with you. His mercy will be felt in your heart as a warm, enveloping happiness, and the high grades of imaan will be felt as a tremendous sense of serenity in your soul.

  7. Read authentic Islamic literature: While studying the Quran and Prophetic narrations is obligatory upon every Muslim in order to act upon Islam, reading good Islamic books and articles in print or on the Internet is a great way to entertain one's self in free time, remove doubts, and strengthen convictions about Islam in the heart. One thing to be careful about, though, is to only read literature written by authentic scholars.

"Behold! In the remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace." [Quran, Surah Al-Ra'd: 28]

A person's faith or imaan is completely dependent on their relationship with Allah. The more they strive to improve this relationship, the more steadfast they will be on their faith.

How To Solve a Rubik's Cube

This article will present a beginner's guide to learning the Rubik's cube. Follow the steps in this guide, and you should be able to solve the cube reliably. It will take time and practice to become fast, but you will be in a position to solve those cubes at your friends' houses that have been sitting on the bookshelf unsolved for the last 6 years.

Before you read the article, make sure you start with a completely solved Rubik's cube. Read the whole article, and learn the basic concepts, and make sure you learn the move sequences that are at the end of the article ("Basic Move Sequences") before you mix up the cube. It's much easier to see what each move sequence does when you start with a solved cube. You can do a move sequence, and then see what it does by looking at what happened to the cube.

Note that if you don't have a solved Rubik's cube, you can always take the cube apart to fix it manually. To do this, start by prying out an edge piece (edges are the pieces that have 2 visible sides to them) out. Corner pieces (corners are the pieces that have 3 visible sides to them). The center pieces (only 1 visible side) for each side of the cube cannot be removed. Once you have the first piece out, you can carefully remove the other pieces and manually reassemble all the pieces to the solved condition.

This article will not attempt to make you a speed cuber. World class speed cubers can solve a given cube in about 15 seconds. When you first start trying to solve the cube it will likely take you several minutes, or even more.

However, you can greatly reduce your time by learning how to recognize patterns on the cube, which will tell you what move sequence to do at what times, and then learning to simply execute those move sequences faster. Of course, you need a quality cube as well -- one where the sides move freely and easily.

Once you have gotten to a place where you can solve the cube, there are many published methods for speed solving the Rubik's cube. Some of these include:

There is plenty of information available on the web about these methods, and other methods as well.

However, before you worry about speed cubing, you need to worry about learning the basics. This is what we are going to try and cover here. If you have never solved a Rubik's cube before, and want to get a roadmap to what you need to learn, this is it.

Lastly, a warning. Learning to solve the cube reliably will take lots of experimentation and practice. It's not simple, and there are lots of things to learn. So be patient (and stubborn) and your chances of developing the necessary skills will be much improved.

  1. The Basic Process - Stage 1

    The first thing you need to do is subdivide the problem. You are not going to simply twist the cube a few times and find it solved (unless it was almost solved already). The way I originally learned to do this was by solving the top layer first. The following pictures will show you one example of this (the pictures show the exact same cube from 2 different vantage points):

    Note that solving a top layer should be pretty easy, even for a beginner. Solve the edges first, and then the corners. Here are some routines you can use to help you solve the top layer:

    If you are trying to solve the top layer first, the first thing you need to do is to decide what color you are going to have on top. When first starting out, it's easier to always have one particular color on top. This will make pattern recognition easier for you. The first thing you need to do is to get the edges into place. In other words, I usually get the white-orange edge, the white-green edge, the white-red edge, and the white-yellow edge in place. This is very simple to do.

    Getting the edges in place can be done with very simple manipulations of the cube. Which move you are using depends on the situation you have. The first two examples below are quite simple. The third example is made a little more complex because we want to put the red-white edge piece in the right place, but we already have all the other edge pieces in place, so we need to get the red-white edge piece in place without upsetting the others.

    When you are done, make sure that you have all the edges in the exact right place and rotation. Then you can work on the corners. In all of the example sequences below, you have certain pieces on the top surface, the white one, which are already solved, and you are trying to get the corner pieces into the right place.

    Here are some examples of moves to use to get the corners in place, once the edges are all set.

    There are more variants of these moves that you can learn with practice.

  2. Just a Bit More on the Other Methods

    For purposes of perspective, we will take a brief look at the general technique used by the other approaches to solving the cube. You can skip this section for now, if you are tunnel vision focused on learning how to reliably solve the cube. Once you have more experience, it will be valuable to see the alternative forms of thinking that people use.

    In the Petrus method, you solve a 2 x 3 cylinder first, and the cube looks like this (again the pictures are the same cube from 2 different vantage points):

    We are not going to try to teach the Petrus Method here, but simply include these pictures, and the following ones of the Roux Method, to provide some perspective with regard to different approaches. In the Roux method, you solve 2/3 of 2 opposing sides first. Here is how the Roux Method looks at this stage shown from 2 different vantage points:

    Notice that 2 of the 3 layers of the red side are solved (shown in the first picture above), and 2 of the 3 layers of the orange side are solved (shown in the 2nd picture above).

  3. The Basic Process - Stage 2

    Once you solve the first stage, regardless of the method you use, you then advance to the second stage. In the old fashioned layer by layer method, you solve the second layer, and will end up with a cube that looks something like this (same cube shown from 2 views):

    The Petrus Method has this in common, where he solves the complete 2nd layer before moving to deal with the bottom layer. The Roux method is quite different, and leaves the cube in the following state (same cube shown from 2 views):

    Notice in the first picture that on the side with the red center all the orange pieces are correctly oriented, and on the side with the yellow center all the green pieces are correctly oriented, including the green-white edge. Notice in the second picture that on the side with the orange center all the red pieces are correctly oriented, and on the side with the green center all the yellow pieces are correctly oriented, including the yellow-white edge.

    If you study this carefully, you will see that there are only 6 edges out of place, as well as four of the center pieces. A bit of a peculiar shape, I agree, but this is the path that the Roux Method will take you down. With that in mind, let's keep things a bit simpler to think about for the rest of this article. We'll continue now with our strategy of solving the cube a layer at a time. Having solved the first layer, let's discuss techniques for solving the second layer.

  4. Simple Techniques for Solving a 2nd Layer

    There are two moves that I am likely to use in solving the middle layer. They are the Right Handed Edge Mover and the Left Handed Edge Mover. To demo these moves, we will flip the cube, so our solved top layer is going to become the bottom layer. Then, these moves as shown here will help you move edges off the top layer into the middle layer in the correct orientation. Here they are:

    Right Handed Edge Mover Basic

    Use the mouse to grab the cube and rotate it. Three edge pieces have changed locations. Make sure you find them all. In the first animation, the pieces that have moved are the yellow-white edge, the red-white edge, and the yellow-orange edge piece. Notice how two edges from the top layer have moved, and one from the middle layer (the yellow-orange one) has moved.

    Of particular interest is that the yellow-white piece moved from the top layer to the middle layer. Taking advantage of this will be quite helpful in solving the middle layer.

    Left Handed Edge Mover Basic

    As with the Right Handed Edge Mover, 3 edge pieces have moved. Once again, use your mouse to rotate the cube and find them all. Using your real cube, make sure you do each of the above Basic Move Sequences 3 times in a row to see what it does. Done correctly, this should return you to a solved cube.

    To get a feeling about how to use this we will provide an example of one of the edge movers (we will use the reverse of the left handed edge mover) in action. Notice that the piece that we are moving into place is on the back side, and it is the red-green edge piece. Also, we have moved the completed layer to the bottom to fit in with the demonstration.

  5. Finishing the cube

    Now you want to work on the final stage of this effort. The first time you read this article, make sure you read through this section to get perspective on what the steps are. Once you have a flavor for how it works, go through it again with a cube in hand. Try each of the moves out on a solved cube to see what they do. You should go through each of the moves multiple times to develop a deeper understanding of the impact of each.

    The first thing you need to accept is that you will temporarily upset the work that you have done, but the move sequence will then repair the damage by the time you are done with the sequence. Do not lose track of where you are during these sequences, because you may end up having to start over.

    The easiest way to keep track of where you are is to always hold the cube in your hand with the the same surface facing you and the same surface on top. Rotate sides of the cube for sure, but never rotate the cube itself in your hands. You are just asking for trouble if you do!

  6. Building a Portfolio of Basic Move Sequences to Finish

    The way to solve this final stage is by learning Basic Move Sequences. Make sure you learn these sequences using a completely solved cube. It will be too difficult to recover if you are working with a cube where you have solved 2 layers, and try to see what they do. Doing this with a solved cube is definitely the way to go. The Basic Move Sequences will give you 3 skills:

    1. Switching the position of 2 corners
    2. Rotate 2 corners, without changing anything else
    3. Moving and flipping the edges in groups of 3, without changing anything else

    With these 3 skills, you can solve any cube. So let's dig in, and look at the details, but let's first start with a couple of important definitions:

    Out of Postion vs. Rotated

    To help you visualize a cube with pieces out of position, here are two pictures of a cube with corner pieces in the wrong position (both pictures show the same cube from different angles).

    Notice how the red-blue-green corner piece is in the place which belongs to the red-blue-yellow piece and vice versa. Let's take this a bit further, and look at a couple of pictures where 3 edge pieces are out of position (both pictures show the same cube from different angles):

    You can see that the cube is completely solved, except that there are 3 edge pieces out of place. Let's also take a look at a couple of examples of rotated pieces. Here is an example showing two rotated (aka flipped) corners (both pictures show the same cube from different angles):

    If you look carefully, you will see that the orange-blue-yellow piece sits in between the orange, blue, and yellow sides, but it's orientation is wrong (it is rotated). The same is true for the red-blue-yellow piece. Now lets look at a couple of rotated edge pieces (both pictures show the same cube from different angles):

    You can see that there are two edge pieces that are in the right location, but once again the 2 sides of the edge do not match up with their corresponding center piece.

    Now that we have defined these terms, let's move on to the next step!

    Switching the position of 2 corners

    Now we will show a method for causing two corners to swap position. In addition to swapping the position of two corners, this move will also cause movement of the edges on the last layer as well. That is why we do this as our first step on the last layer. Since we have not yet solved the edges, we don't care if they move.

    When we begin working on the remaining edges, and on the orientation (or rotation) of the corners, we will use move sequences that do not affect any other pieces on the cube, other than the ones we are working on.

    When you begin to work on the placement of the corners, you will either have 2, 3, or 4 corners out of place (or 0, of course, in which case you can skip this step). The best way to start is to take two of the corners that belong on one side that are next to each other (for example, the 2 red corners), and move them to the red side. If you have white on top, this will be the yellow-red-white corner and the green-red-white corner.

    Then you can see if the yellow-red-white corner is on the yellow side or the green side. If it's on the green side, then the two corners are swapped. Note that if the 2 red corners are out of place, try this same exercise with one of the other colors, yellow, green, or orange.

    If 2 corners are out of place you will need to do this move one time to get those 2 corners in place. If 3 or 4 corners are out of place then you will need to use the move two different times to get everything into place.

    Once you are done, the corners may be rotated so they don't look solved yet, but you will have them in the right location.

    Lars Petrus offers a method he refers to as Niklas. Niklas will cause the 2 corners closest to you (the ones out of place in the picture above) to swap with each other, without changing the position of the two other corners. Here are the steps:

    Once you have completed the move sequence, study the results. What do you notice about the 4 corners? The two in front have swapped positions and rotated. The two in back have stayed in position, and also have rotated. What about the edges? None of them have rotated, but they have all moved one position to the left. Note that if you repeat the Niklas sequence 4 times that the edges do move back to the correct position.

    However, the corners are not yet right. Even though they are in the right position, they are rotated. If you keep repeating the Niklas move sequence, it will take you a total of 12 repetitions to get back to the solved position. There are many patterns that you may come to recognize, if you spend lots of long hours with the cube, and many other moves you can learn to take advantage of this, but for now, the Niklas gives you a way to swap the position of 2 corners.

    Rotate 2 corners, without changing anything else

    Once you have all the corners in the right location, you will find that there are 4 possible scenarios: 2, 3, or 4 corners rotated incorrectly, or all the corners are correct. Of course, if all the corners are correct, we don't need to worry about it. To make things a bit simpler, let's assume that 2 corners are correct, and 2 are wrong, as in the following picture:

    To fix this, orient the cube as shown below, and follow the move sequence step by step.

    Once you have done this, you will have flipped two corners without changing the location of any other piece. You should take a completely solved cube and do this sequence to see what it does. Once you have done it, repeat the exact same sequence on the same two corners and see what happens. Then do it a third time, and you will see that the two corners move back to their original position. If you start with a solved cube and do the complete move sequence 3 times, you will get back to the solved cube once again.

    The beauty of this maneuver is that you can rotate the position of 2 corners without changing anything else.

    Moving and rotating the edges in groups of 3, without changing anything else

    Now everything should be done except a few edges. They can be oriented a lot of different ways. Once again, you should start with a solved cube to see what happens when you execute the new move sequence below. There are 3 Basic Move Sequences that will get you there.

    We have already shown you the Left Handed Edge Mover and the Right Handed Edge Mover, but we need to show you a modified version of those, plus one new Basic Move Sequence. As before, repeat these move sequences 3 times to see what they do, and how they move and rotate the corners.

    Note that the second cube in each example shows the same move sequence, but in the reverse direction.
    • Right Handed Edge Mover Complete

      The difference between this move and the Right Handed Edge Mover Basic is that the 3 edges that we are moving are all on the top layer. Since at this stage we have the two other layers solved, we need such a move to be able to keep moving forward without undoing the work we have already done.
    • Left Handed Edge Mover Complete

      This version of the Left Handed Edge Mover has also been modified to move three edges from the top layer only.
    • Two Handed Edge Mover

    You will need to study these move sequences so you can learn which one to use in which situations. Make sure you understand the direction in which the pieces move, and the nature of how they rotate their orientation as well. With this in mind you will know which move sequence to use at which time.

    Once you understand exactly what each of these sequences does, you will need a maximum of 2 of these move sequences to solve the cube when there are only edges out of place and/or rotated on the bottom layer. However, which move sequences you need will vary depending on the exact state your cube is in when you get to this stage.

This is just a primer, to get you out of the starting gate. There are lots of different Basic Move Sequences that you can learn, but you really don't need to learn that many to become fast. That is much more about recognition of what the move sequences do, and when to use them.

If you want to become a speed cuber, plan on spending hundreds of hours on learning the move sequences demonstrated in this article, and perhaps a few more, and when to use them. For example, one simple variant is to take a move sequence and do it in reverse.

Learning when to use which sequence will take many hours of study. But, if you learn to do the Basic Move Sequences in this article, you will be in a good position to solve that cube lying in your basement since someone mixed it up on you 6 years ago ...


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