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Monday, October 10, 2011

Drawing Techniques, by Scott Burdick

Scott Burdick is known for his bold brushwork and lush color in his figurative paintings. What underlies those powerful paintings is a mastery of figurative drawing and anatomy. In this new four hour program, Scott demonstrates how to use various drawing media to create masterful drawings in red conte, traditional charcoal and wet brush charcoal powder.
Burdick is a master of many media, which this program will introduce to you. Working with the live model, he takes you through a drawing session that begins with five-minute gestures and ends with 20-minute long poses, over a period of three hours. The last demonstration is a portrait executed totally in a charcoal wash that is, powdered charcoal applied with brush and water.

Always an articulate instructor, Burdick will demonstrate how to begin a drawing session relax into longer poses and gather the most information for the model. The program has been edited to present to the viewer the most information you would wish to see, including the posed model and close-up views of the drawings as they are created.

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