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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Toyota Way

Today, companies around the world sought to implement Toyota's radical system for speeding the process, reduce waste, and improve quality. However, whether they already reach the true foundation of Toyota's success and not just practicing lean tools and techniques that exist on the surface?

The Toyota Way explained Toyota's unique approach to lean management 14 principles that animate the culture of quality and efficiency of Toyota's highly laud. You will gain valuable insights that can be implemented into any oganisasi and in any business process, in services or manufacturing. You'll find that right combination of long-term philosophy, processes, employees, and problem solving can transform your organization into a lean company that always learn the Toyota Way. This book will make you understand what makes Toyota successful and gives some practical ideas that you can use to develop your own approach to business.

Table of contents

Part One. World Class Strength of the Toyota Way. 1
Chapter 1. The Toyota Way: Using Operational Excellence as a Strategic Weapon. 2
Chapter 2. How to Become Toyota World Best Manufacturers. 18
Chapter 3. The core of Toyota Production System: Eliminating Waste. 33
Chapter 4. Toyota Way principles: Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. 43

Part Two The Business Principles of the Toyota Way. 83

Chapter 7. Principle 1: Your Management Decisions Based on figures Philosophy Long, Though the expense of Short-Term Financial Goals. 86

Chapter 8. Principle 2 Create a Process Flow Problems Continue lifted to the surface. 104

Chapter 9. Principle 3: Use "Pull" Systems to Avoid Overproduction. 125

Three section Applying the Toyota Way in Your Organization. 319

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