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Friday, December 19, 2008

6 secrets to solving puppy problems

Shelby Marlo, who trains celebs' dogs, shares her tips for better behavior

It's easy to fall in love with a puppy, but it's hard to make your precious pooch behave — unless you have the proper training. That's where Shelby Marlo comes in. She is a professional dog trainer to the stars, and her Hollywood clients have included Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Paris Hilton. She is also the author of the award-winning dog training book: "The New Art of Dog Training: Balancing Love and Disclipline."

Marlo was invited on TODAY to show us how she helped two of the show's staff members with their puppy problems, by using dog training tips we can all learn. Here they are:

Puppy Training 101

  1. Use meal time as training. Reward good behavior and enforce basic commands with treats. Eventually you will not need to use food to get the dog to listen.
  2. Keep the dog on the leash, even in the house. The dog may walk around with it, but if you have a leash and collar on him, you have better control.
  3. Don't give up on the crate. It's not jail; it's centering for the dog, and a wonderful training device. Dogs typically don't want to soil their bed, and puppies should take naps and sleep in the crate.
  4. It's never too early to train your puppy. Training often starts as early as seven weeks. You have to constantly train your dog.
  5. The most important tool: communication. Most dogs think their name is "No," so you have to teach them a new vocabulary. Use basic commands, such as "off!" (if he's touching something or eating something he shouldn't) and "come," "sit," "stay, and "down."
  6. You need to develop a relationship with the dog. The dog is happier with rules and guidance.
For more information on training your puppy, or dog, check out Marlo's Web site at www.ShelbyMarlo.com.

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