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Friday, April 18, 2008

How To Use Caffeine to Treat Migraines

Caffeine gets a bad reputation for causing headaches, and it is true that one of the most common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal is a headache. However, caffeine can also be used to treat certain types of headaches - specifically migraines and tension headaches.

  1. Understand how caffeine affects tension headaches. Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and are often described as a constant dull pain. During a tension headache episode, blood vessels dilate, or open wider than normal. Caffeine actually helps the blood vessels to constrict, helping the headache subside.In fact, analgesics with caffeine are 40% more effective than those without in treating headaches. This explains why many people treat tension headaches with caffeine.

  2. Understand how caffeine affects migraines. Migraine headaches can occur for a variety of reasons, not all of which are completely understood. Migraines often occur on one side of the head and can be made worse by light, sounds, smells, or physical activity. Although it is not completely understood why caffeine helps migraines, many health professionals think that it is related to the fact that caffeine constricts blood vessels.

  3. Use painkillers that include caffeine to treat migraines. Analgesics containing caffeine can help with migraines. These include Excedrin, Anacin, Midol, and other painkillers. However, overusing caffeine or analgesics can make a migraine worse, so if you suffer from migraines, you should talk to your doctor.

  4. Use caffeinated beverages to control migraines. Since caffeine is a vasoconstrictor - constricting the blood vessels - caffeinated beverages can help headaches. The key here is moderation. Use a cup of coffee or two - or the equivalent amount of black tea or soda - and if your migraine does not improve, see a doctor.

  5. Understand that caffeine withdrawal can actually cause headaches. In your quest to rid yourself of headaches using caffeine, be careful how much caffeine you consume. Doctors generally do not recommend consuming more than 250-300 mg of caffeine each day. Caffeine withdrawal can actually cause headaches, when the blood vessels re-dilate. Many people find that they need to gradually cut down on caffeine to lessen withdrawal symptoms instead of stopping all at once.

  6. Do not use caffeine if you are pregnant or nursing. It is not completely understood how caffeine affects nursing babies or unborn children, so most medical professionals advise nursing and pregnant women not to use caffeine.

Coffee may not be the first thing you think of when you have a migraine, but you might want to keep a mug of it handy if you are prone to tension headaches or migraines. Like all headache remedies, results can vary, and you should talk to a doctor for more information.



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