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Genre: e-learning
Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are awake whilst you are still within your dream. It is an experience like no other. The ability to have a lucid dream can be taught. It comes naturally to some people whilst others have to work at it. But you
CAN learn how to lucid dream.
1. Two Questions To Ask To Tell If You're In A Lucid Dream
a. "Are you aware that you're in a dream?"
b. "Do you remember your waking life?"
2. Sleep Paralysis - "Mind Awake/Body Asleep" - Feels Like Lead Blanket
a. Trick the body into thinking it's already asleep.
b. Body's test signal feels like an urge to roll over.
c. Short circuit testing by ignoring the urge to roll over
3. Keeping The Eyes Still
a. Fools the body thinking it's time to test using the roll over message.
b. Practice relaxing eyes deeply when falling asleep
4. How To Finish Incomplete Paralysis
a. Breathe deeply and slowly to relax the body
b. Twitch an arm very slightly once or twice every 10 or 15 seconds for a
minute or so - only do this when in nearly complete paralysis
5. How To Tell How Close To Full Sleep Paralysis You Are Without Moving
a. Vibrations, rushing noises, transparent eyelids reality check
6. How To Convert Sleep Paralysis Into A Lucid Dream
a. Open your mouth and begin deep breathing slowly and deliberately
b. 'Safety-cap' exit - use thought to press down and then twist out of body
7. How To Complete Partial Exits - Use Imagination To Make New Limbs
8. How To Optimize The Brain's Chemistry For Lucid Dreams
a. Melatonin is "off" switch, serotonin is "on" switch
b. Get sunlight during the day so that it's easier to fall asleep at night.
9. How To Add A Safety Net - Rhythm Napping
a. Do your lucid dream attempts in the morning (5:00 AM), not at night.
b. Stay up for 45 minutes before going back to bed, get timer ready. Lay
down in your most comfortable sleeping position (does not have to be on
your back). Stay perfectly still with your eyes relaxed. Let yourself
daydream until you fall asleep. Fall asleep as many times as possible and
wake up each time the timer beeps without ever moving. If you can do that
cycle five times in one hour you will almost certainly become lucid or at
least feel phenomena you've never had before such as paralysis or
vibrations. Expect to become lucid during a 20 minute interval.
10. How To Choose Your Timer Setup
a. Normal: 8, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 20, 6... Faster: 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 15, 4.5.
b. Alternate: 5, 25, 5, 25, 5, 25... Rapid fire: 20, 20, 2, 2, 2, 2.
11. Simple Things To Do If You Can't Fall Asleep Fast Enough
a. Avoid bright lights for an hour or so before you intend to sleep.
b. Keep body warm, wear socks, silicone earplugs, blindfolds
12. Simple Things To Do If The Timer Doesn't Wake You Up
a. Put the timer closer to your head. Background noise - radio or fan
13. How To Deal With Fear In Sleep Paralysis
a. Stuart Wilde says bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is the ability
to operate effectively even while totally terrified.
b. Break paralysis using slow deep breathing to enter a partial lucid dream
separation and then immediately end the lucid dream by willing yourself
to wake up. Since you're always in control there is never anything to fear.
c. Neil Slade's 'amygdala clicking': www.neilslade.com
14. How To Improve Dream Recall
a. Put body in position it was when you dreamed to bring back the memory.
b. Practice staying perfectly still without moving or opening your eyes the
moment you wake up.
Part Two - Wake Induced Lucid Dreams Using Teleporting OBEs
1. Psychological Approach Of WILDs Gives You More Control
2. Opening Up The Subconscious With Memory Impressions
a. Dipping in and out of coherency
b. Creating a space in your subconscious for you to enter
c. Visualization versus conceptualization, "imagery" as a catchall term
d. How to sense where the real imagery comes from using the shifted blackboard trick
3. How To Execute A Teleporting WILD - Like Shifting Gears
a. First gear: daydreaming to loosen the mind
b. Second gear: look for memory impressions to signal you're ready
c. Third gear: create a solidifying space in your subconscious
i. How to craft an efficient visualization - make it interactive and
make it surprise you
ii. Tip: Don't concentrate too much, stay relaxed to keep getting
memory impressions
d. Fourth gear: literally feel your body's copy feeling the wall's texture
e. Overdrive gear: the critical crossover - immerse yourself in imagery to
enter the OBE
f. Spreading out the critical crossover
i. Shifting between your physical body and OBE body to learn what
they feel like - overlaid sight
4. Exit Blindness And How To Fix It
a. How to sense your surroundings without vision using video screens
b. How to sense without sight by remembering what's there
5. Additional Ways To Tell How Close You Are To A Subconscious Focus
a. The sound of thousands of people chattering or M-band noise
b. Sleep breaths - hearing your sleeping body breathe
6. Control Panels
7. Solutions To Problems While Entering Trance
a. Involuntary twitching and the wild arm flop - just keep trying
b. How to combat the dreaded itches - increase moisture levels
c. How to avoid the swallow reflex - add neck support
8. Visit www.saltcube.com/vol1 to view new additions to these methods