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Monday, November 10, 2008

What It Means to 'Manage Up'

Q: I've been fairly successful in my career. I have great rapport with the people who work for me and almost always get along well and work well with my peers. But more than once I have been told that I need to learn how to "manage up." What, exactly, does that mean?

A. When someone tells you that you need to "manage up," what he or she is really saying is that you need to stretch yourself. You need to go above and beyond the tasks assigned to you so that you can enhance your manager's work, says Rosanne Badowski, co-author of "Managing Up: How to Forge an Effective Relationship With Those Above You."


Ms. Badowski should know. She served as executive assistant to Jack Welch at General Electric Co. for more than 14 years and spent countless hours managing up. "Doing what you can to make your manager's job easier will not only help them do their job, but you will be considered a valuable asset to your manager and to your organization," she says. "You want to be described as indispensable."

By mastering the "managing up" concept, you can help others recognize your value within the organization. "It will give you an advantage when you are being considered for greater job responsibilities," says Ms. Badowski. "It will help in your career advancement, and it gives you an edge over the competition when you are being considered for promotions."

Atlanta-based executive coach Mariette Edwards also knows firsthand what it means to "manage up." She remembers early on in her career being tossed out of her boss's office on a regular basis. "It was only when I realized I was not 'managing up' that I was able to change my approach and win that boss over," she explains.

Ms. Edwards says that there are numerous strategies her clients often overlook when it comes to managing up. For example, getting to know one's manager – and his or her style. "If you and your manager seem to be speaking two different languages, then the problem may be that you are not leaning into that person's style," says Ms. Edwards. "An analytical [type boss] will take exception to someone who presents an idea without data to support it. A people person will be offended in the absence of regular communication." Knowing your manager's style -- and adjusting your own to meet it -- will help you manage up, she says.

There are plenty of other easy steps you can take to become adept at managing up, according to Ms. Edwards. Important ones include: paying attention; jumping in when needed; maintaining a good attitude no matter what; doing quality work; keeping your boss informed; building relationships, trust and an information network; staying out of politics; learning the art of selling and negotiation as well as the company's rules; and being a good follower when the situation dictates it.

With today's shaky economy, learning to manage up is more important than ever. "You want to stand out," says Ms. Badowski. "In this age of possible cutbacks in employment or reductions in work, you want to be categorized by management and your company as someone too valuable to lose."

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